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Writer's pictureVishal Kachroo

Rinda Poshimaal

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

Poet: Rasul Mir (b. early 1800s, Dooru Shahabad, Anantnag, Kashmir)

Singer: Manzoor Ahmad Shah

Singer: Unknown

Devanagari Transliteration: Vishal Kachroo

English Translation: Vishal Kachroo

Nastliq Transliteration: Kulyet-e-Rasul Mir by Mohd. Yousuf Taing


रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal (Kashmiri girl's name; meaning a garland of flowers)

has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

राज़ॖ ह्यॆन्ज़ियानि नाज़ क्याह ॲंज़्यनि गरॖदन

या इलॉही चॅशमॆ बदॖ निश रछॖतन

गछ़ि क्याह कम चानि बारगाहि लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

My celestial swan hen (Hindi : राज हंसिनी) (राज़ॖ ह्यॆन्ज़ियानि)

You have a proud (नाज़) swan like beautiful neck (ॲंज़्यनि गरॖदन)

O divine (या इलॉही), please save her (रछॖतन) from evil eye (चॅशमॆ बदॖ)

What difference would it make (गछ़ि क्याह कम) in your generous eternal court (बारगाहि)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

कालॖ मोयस टाकॉन्य छय बरॖसर

फॅल्यलॖ नाफय मॊलमुत मुशके अदॖफर

ह्यॆन्ज़ि पॉरान च़ॊन्ज़ॖ तय दायि लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

The 'Takeni' (ornamental cap) on your black hair (कालॖ मोयस) suits you perfectly (बरॖसर)

The scented beads (फॅल्यलॖ) rubbed (मॊलमुत) on your navel (नाफय) is emanating a musk scent (मुशके अदॖफर)

(A simile to the musk deer, that has a musk gland near their navel from which emanates

a powerful scent to attract mates. In fact, the musk deer gets hunted for their scent glands, since this scent is used in high end perfumes and is considered an aphrodisiac)

You, my princess swan hen (ह्यॆन्ज़ि) have slave girls (च़ॊन्ज़ॖ) and maids (दायि) all around you (Yet you act carefree and playful)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

ज़ॉल्य वांकॅन बाल यॆलि लागि शुमार

पछ लगॖनस गॅंज़रान लछ तय हज़ार

तॆमि शायि नो मॊकॖलन पायॖ लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

When my teenage love (बाल) starts counting (लागि शुमार) her criss-crossed (ज़ॉल्य), small braids (वांकॅन)

It will take a lakh (लछ) and a thousand (हज़ार) fortnights (पछ)

That task (शायि) is an endless task (नो मॊकॖलन पायॖ) (because there are so many of these beautiful braids)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

रॊनि गॊडॖकुय यामथ बूज़ुम साज़

साज़ बोज़नि आमुत शाह यन्दॖराज़

पोशिमाल छम पोशितुल्य डायॖ लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

When (यामथ) I heard (बूज़ुम) the sweet sound (साज़) of her anklet (रॊनि गॊडॖकुय)

Indra (the Hindu King of Heavens) (शाह यन्दॖराज़) has himself descended (आमुत) to hear this melody (साज़ बोज़नि)

My sweetheart (पोशिमाल) is delicate as two and a half flower petals (पोशितुल्य डायॖ) (An endearing Kashmiri phrase used for someone delicate and pretty)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

राज़ॖ ह्यॆन्ज़ियानि नाज़ क्याह ॲंज़्यनि गरॖदन

या इलॉही चॅशमॆ बदॖ निश रछॖतन

गछ़ि क्याह कम चानि बारगाहि लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

My celestial swan hen (Hindi : राज हंसिनी) (राज़ॖ ह्यॆन्ज़ियानि)

You have a proud (नाज़) swan like beautiful neck (ॲंज़्यनि गरॖदन)

O divine (या इलॉही), please save her (रछॖतन) from evil eye (चॅशमॆ बदॖ)

What difference would it make (गछ़ि क्याह कम) in your generous eternal court (बारगाहि)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear

हलकॖ बन्द तॅल्य शूबान नारि पिसतान

ती डीशिथ आशिकन दिल लूबान

व्वॊल रसुल मीर चान्ये मायि लो लो

रिन्दॖ पोशिमाल गिन्दॖने द्रायि लो लो

शूबि शाबाश चानि पॊतछ़ायॖ लो लो

English Translation

Below the traditional necklace (ornament) (हलकॖ बन्द),

the bosom is looking graceful (नारि पिसतान specifically means a lady's (नारि) nipples (पिसतान))

Your lovers' heart melts (आशिकन दिल लूबान) when they see this (ती डीशिथ)

Rasul Mir is engulfed (व्वॊल) in your love (चान्ये मायि)

The carefree (रिन्दॖ) Poshimaal has come out (द्रायि) to play (गिन्दॖने)

Praiseworthy (शूबि शाबाश) is your silhouette (पॊतछ़ायॖ), my dear


Nastliq Transliteration

Source: Kulyet-e-Rasul Mir by Mohd. Yousuf Taing


Links to online Grierson Kashmiri Dictionary for difficult words in this poem


​Carefree (Rind)


​A popular kashmiri name in olden days. Literally means a garland (माल) of flowers (पोश). Also, used as an affectionate word of endearment for someone (called टाठिन्यार - expression of love in kashmiri culture). Other popular girl names of the day were हीमाल (A माला of ही पोश (Jasmine flower)), अर्निमाल (माला of अर्नि पोश), सॊन्दरमाल etc.

​राज़ॖ ह्यॆन्ज़ियानि

The royal swan hen. A mythological bird in Indian culture (राज हन्सिनी) who is quite pretty and has the ability to separate milk from water when given a mixture of the two.

​ॲंज़्यनि गरदन

​Swan hen with a long pretty neck

anziñ अन्ज़िञ्

​या इलॉही






ṭāköni . टाका॑नि॒


​Small scented beads (Phol = bead)


​Comes from Sanskrit/Hindi word नाभी (Navel)


​रॊनि गॊडॖकुय



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1 Comment

Jul 05, 2023

Great job Vishal ! Stellar contribution to preserve and propagate our literary heritage.More power to you.🌹 ♥️

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