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Writer's pictureVishal Kachroo

Vyesiye Gulan Aavay Bahaar (Gulrez)

व्यॆसिए गुलन आवय बहार

Poet: Maqbool Shah Kralawari (1820-1877) in his Masnavi Gulrez, Kashmir

Singer: Raj Begum

Singer: Deepali Wattal

Singer: Vibha Saraf

Singer: Unknown Singer: Rajni Chrungoo

Devanagari Transliteration: Vishal Kachroo

English Translation: Vishal Kachroo


This song is often associated with Habbakhatoon but contrary to popular belief, it was not written by Habbakhatoon but instead by Maqbool Shah Kralawari in his Masnavi Gulrez (Scattered Flowers)

व्यॆसिए गुलन आवय बहार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

वॅल्य वॅल्य अनुन फॊल्य लालॖज़ार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

My friend (girl) (व्यॆसिए), the flowers (गुलन) are blossoming (the spring (बहार) is here)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home (सालॖ - get home for a meal) today (अज़ॖ)

Get him soon (वॅल्य वॅल्य), the tulip gardens (लालॖज़ार) are in full bloom (फॊल्य)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

तथॖ प्रान्यॖ माये गॊय च़ॆ क्याह

मॅशरॉवॖथस क्याह छुम मॆ राह

ओसुख च़ॖ म्योनुय गम गुज़ार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

What of the lasting (प्रान्यॖ) love (माये) we had

Why did you forget me (मॅशरॉवॖथस), what was my fault (राह)

You were my empathizer (गम गुज़ार) (listener to my travails of life)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

छम लोलॖची गॉमॖच़ मॆ याद

प्यॊय ना च़ॆ म्योनुय ज़ांह ति याद

गॊय ना कनन पैगामॆ यार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

I yearn (गॉमॖच़ मॆ याद) for our past love (लोलॖची)

Do you not (प्यॊय ना च़ॆ) yearn for me even once (म्योनुय ज़ांह ति याद)

Did you not hear (गॊय ना कनन) my love-message (पैगामॆ यार)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

तस कुन मॆ कल छम राथ द्यन

छसॖ त्मबॖलेमॖच़ कर वॖछन

यॖमहॉस पतय तथ छुम नॖ वार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

I yearn (कल) for him night and day (राथ द्यन)

I am tempted (त्मबॖलेमॖच़) to see him soon (कर वॖछन)

I would go after him (यॖमहॉस पतय) but can't (तथ छुम नॖ वार)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

परवानॖ लॉगिथ गथ करस

तथ शम्मा रोयस तल मरस

छम कल तॅहॖंज़ मॊल छुम नॖ हार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

Like a moth (परवानॖ) circling the flame (गथ करस) (and dying for it eventually),

I will sacrifice (मरस) myself for his radiant flame-face (शम्मा रोयस)

I am worried about him (छम कल तॅहॖंज़)

I wasn't able to repay (हार) the price (मॊल) of love we shared (मॊल छुम नॖ हार)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

लॉगिथ छु बुलबुल वॅन्य दिमस

मंज़ॖ सुमबलन ज़ागय ह्यमस

यॅमबॖरज़लन क्याह छुस खुमार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

My love is pretending to be a Bulbul (Nightingale),

I am calling out (वॅन्य दिमस) for him ( वॅन्य comes from Sanskrit word 'Vaani' वाणी)

I will watch out for him (ज़ागय ह्यमस) amongst the hyacinths (सुमबलन)

Look how intoxicated (खुमार) are the Narcissus (यॅमबॖरज़ल) (variety of daffodils) flowers

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

सनयास लॉगिथ नेरॖहस

ॲन्द्य ॲन्द्य बॖ जंगॖलन फेरॖहस

तस पतॖ करहा नालॖज़ार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

I wish I could take 'Sanyaas' (asceticism वैराग्य) and go looking for him (नेरॖहस)

Round and round (ॲन्द्य ॲन्द्य) I'd wander (फेरॖहस) the forests (जंगॖलन) looking for him

I would express my laments (नालॖज़ार) to him

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

रिवान बॖ अशकनि दादि छस

दिवान वॅन्य तस दिलबरस

यॖवान छुस नॖ दानॖ आर

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

I am bitterly crying (रिवान) from my love-sickness (अशकनि दादि)

Trying to call out (दिवान वॅन्य) for my love (दिलबर)

Not one bead (दानॖ) of compassion (आर) he has

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

त्रॅविथ च़ॊलुम थॉविथ फिराक

छुम लोलॖ जिगरस अशतियाक

मनॖविथ अनन वनहस बॖ ज़ार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

He left me (त्रॅविथ च़ॊलुम) abandoned (थॉविथ फिराक)

My love torn heart (लोलॖ जिगरस) is longing (अशतियाक) (from Urdu word 'Ishtiyaq') for him

I will comfort (मनॖविथ) (from Hindi word मनाना) my estranged love and tell him my laments (ज़ार)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)

फरहादॖ छ़ोंन्डमख कोहॖनॖय

प्रथ तरफॖ दित्यमय वॅन्यॖ

शीरिन्य बॖ कॅरथस बेकरार

अज़ॖ सालॖ अनतनॖ बालॖयार

English Translation

My Farhad (फरहादॖ)(from the famous Farhad-Shirin love story from Persian literature),

I have looked for you (छ़ोंन्डमख) in the mountains (कोहॖनॖय)

All around (प्रथ तरफॖ) I called out for you (दित्यमय वॅन्यॖ)

You have made me, your princess Shirin (शीरिन्य), impatient for. you (बेकरार)

Can you please get (अनतनॖ) my love home today (अज़ॖ)


Links to online Grierson Kashmiri Dictionary for difficult words in this poem


​A friend from teenage years (lover)

bāla 1


​लालॖ = Tulip

ज़ार as a suffix means 'in abundance'

So लालॖज़ार means tulips in abundance or a tulip garden. Similarly, गुलज़ार (flowers in abundance) or पोशॖज़ार (flowers in abundance)

lāl 3



rāh 1


Tempted , Agitated, Perplexed

tambalun 2


​Moving, Movement

गथ करॖन्य : to die after another (e.g. a widow becoming satī after her husband's death; to devote oneself to death for the sake of something (e.g. a moth for a lamp); to follow a person to the death, to be true till death.

gath 3


​To repay a load/debt. For example, शुर्य ह्यकन नॖ ज़ांह ति मॉलिस माजि हॉरिथ (Children can never repay debts of their parents)



​To call out (looking for something/someone)

वॅन्य comes from Sanskrit word 'Vaani' वाणी)

​ॲन्द्य ॲन्द्य

​Round and round from outside



​Separation, disunion, abandonment;

Firaaq (from


​Longing, fondness, craving

Ishtiyaaq (from

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